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UPDATE - Creme Pure is currently sold out in retail stores nationwide. However, it may still be available on their website HERE. Fast Free Shipping to City

My Doctor Told Me That My Varicose Veins Were Irreversible… But Then I Discovered an Alternative Solution That Erased Them For Good

Written By

Lynn Homer



Written By

Lynn Homer On

12.5k Ratings

It’s hard to describe the distress of varicose veins, spider veins and edema to someone who’s been blessed to never experience them firsthand.

It feels like a heavy, throbbing pain running through my legs every moment of every day.

And the constant aching and swelling never seems to subside.

My varicose veins and spider veins have taken my entire life away from me.

I can barely walk to the bathroom without my legs feeling as though they're weighed down with lead - let alone go outside, take a leisurely walk, or play with my grandkids.

I miss the days when I could wear shorts or a dress without feeling self-conscious.

Now, every step I take feels like I'm trudging through thick mud.

The nights aren’t any better. The pulsating pain keeps me tossing and turning.

But that’s not even the worst part.

What pains me the most is that I feel like a burden to my family.

I've always been a strong, independent person…

But now, I need assistance even for the smallest tasks because standing for too long aggravates my condition.

I hate feeling like a burden, but I don't know what else to do.

I never thought that varicose veins could evolve into something this bad.

It all started with a simple cosmetic concern.

A concern I concealed for many years with clothing to be more comfortable in social settings.

But now I can barely walk. 

I Poured Thousands of Dollars Down the Drain Trying All Sorts of Treatments, Only to Be Left With No Results

My primary doctor told me on more than one occasion that there was nothing more he could do to rid me of my varicose veins and spider veins.

After all, I had three major risk factors to develop serious varicose veins:

The first was genetics: My grandmother suffered from varicose veins and had hers successfully stripped when she was 52.

The second factor was the temporary pressure put on my veins from my pregnancies.

And third, I spent long periods sitting at a desk, putting yet more pressure on my veins and causing their valves to weaken.

My legs didn’t stand a chance.

He prescribed very tights compression stockings, which I hated, some painkillers to manage the discomfort.

He also recommended numerous ointments and creams, and even hinted that invasive surgery might be my only solution.

All the while suggesting I should get used to the unsightly appearance and the perpetual unease.

…But I just couldn’t accept it.

I couldn’t fathom that in today’s day and age - with all the medical advancements - surgery was the best answer for my legs.

Surgery was my biggest regret...

My family doctor referred me to a vascular surgeon...

And sent me for an ultrasound to check for blood clots.

Luckily it was clear of blood clots, but the veins were so stretched and painful I had to act.

I settled on radio-frequency ablation, which seemed like the least invasive and most effective option.

The 90-minute procedure was elective and cost $3,000 per leg.

Even though I was given a numbing agent, I could still feel the catheter being inserted and pulled from my knee to my upper thigh

When it was over, my leg looked swollen but vein-free.

I was elated and started fantasizing about cute cut-off denim shorts.

A week later, the surgeon’s office called to tell me they had found something during the post-procedure checkup and encouraged me to get another ultrasound

It turned out I was one patients who developed blood clots after the surgery.

The following day I met with a hematologist, who told me I should have never been discharged from the hospital

One blood clot could have easily turned into life-threatening deep-vein thrombosis

The doctor injected a blood thinner directly into my stomach and prescribed three months of oral blood-thinning medication

To add insult to injury, over the next two months, my varicose veins started to reroute and appear again.

The procedure hadn’t worked, and I was left with bulging veins, permanent bruising and superficial phlebitis.

Oh, and the aching was back, too.

Although I took great comfort in the fact that I’d cheated death, I saw a life of hiding my veins under Lululemon leggings awaiting me.

That was the lowest point of my life. That's when I decided I wasn’t willing to take the risk again. 

Surgery was clearly only a temporary solution.

Cutting off varicose veins and letting them collapse on themselves and die.

So I began pouring over articles and forums on the internet, desperate for an alternative solution that didn't involve going under the knife.

And before long, I stumbled upon a renowned Phlebologist who seemed to have the answer.

That’s When I Met Dr. Marie D. Phipps, a Renowned Expert on venous diseases

She’s spent the better part of the last decade researching and developing state-of-the-art treatments for varicose veins and edema.

The walls of her clinic were adorned with certificates from top medical institutions and plaques for her groundbreaking research.

Her website showcased heartfelt testimonials from relieved men and women who praised her methods, many stating she had given them a new lease on life.

I was brimming with hope as I walked into her office!

However, my excitement quickly gave way to astonishment when she began to delve into the real cause of my varicose veins and edema.

The revelation she shared left me utterly stunned:

“Your Leg Veins Are On The Verge of Collapse, Causing a Dangerous Pooling of Blood that can lead to Blood Clots and Death”

You have something called Chronic Venous Insufficiency.

It's the little known root cause of all your vein problems: Varicose Veins, Spider Veins, Edema, Swelling and even Vein Ulcers and Blood Clots.

Dr. Marie explained "Chronic Venous Insufficiency means your veins can't efficiently send blood back to the heart .

This happens because of faulty vein valves, which we term "incompetent valves"

You see, when your heart beats the valves open and the blood is pushed upwards.

But between heart beats, the valves close, preventing blood from going down due to gravity.

When the valves are damaged they do not close properly.

Causing blood to actually flow back and we end up having blood reflux in the veins.

This reflux puts strain on blood vessels and leads to the obvious varicose and spider veins,

And it can cause leg pain and swelling or what we call Edema."

The real root cause of Chronic Venous Insufficiency (and Varicose Veins, Spider Veins & Edema)

Dr. Marie continued the explanation: "Estrogen has a dynamic relationship with our veins, impacting the relaxation and contraction of these veins.

On a tiny level, it affects how our bodies make and break down two important proteins: collagen and elastin.

These proteins give our veins their shape and stretchiness.

Too much or too little estrogen can throw off this balance, making our veins less stretchy and weaker.

When this happens, the veins can stretch out more than usual because of the blood flowing inside them, causing varicose veins.

Burning with excitement and so many questions, I interrupted her "So estrogen levels in the blood are key to this condition right?

What causes these estrogen spikes? How can we solve them?"

She Explained: "The estrogen dominance happens during monthly periods, pregnancy, and menopause.

When combined with genetic predisposition or standing for a long time, these changes can make vein problems worse.

Also, if someone has diabetes, is overweight, has a history of surgeries or injuries, their veins can be even more affected.

So, our legs face many challenges but the biggest risk factor is the estrogen imbalance.

I started connecting the dots, remembering that my varicose veins first appeared sixteen years ago when I was pregnant with my twins, when estrogen levels were through the roof...

She continued: "The Estrogen dominance can cause the veins to stretch out, leading to visible, bulging varicose veins.

It can also cause fluid to leak into spaces between cells, causing swelling known as edema."

Noticing that I was overwhelmed with the amount of information I've never heard before, Dr. Marie changed her tone and tried to make the point simpler:

"In short, estrogen plays a big role in our vein health.

It's important to keep its levels balanced to maintain healthy veins.

The problem happens when estrogen goes off balance.

And this can happen mainly due to genetics, pregnancy, menopause, aging, having chronic diseases or a history of injuries or surgeries."

I interrupted her: " But Doctor, from my knowledge, after menopause estrogen levels are low, right? How come estrogen affects our veins during and after menopause as well?"

She replied: "That's right, when women approach menopause, their hormone levels change a lot.

At first, estrogen levels can jump up and down. As menopause sets in, estrogen levels drop.

But progesterone levels drop significantly more, making the estrogen dominant.

It's not about the absolute amount of estrogen but the relative amount of estrogen compared to progesterone.

These ups and downs and the estrogen dominance that sits in affect the veins, making them weaker in older women."

I continued: "Well that clears it but I have another question, why do we see this problem in men as well? Isn't estrogen a women thing?"

She explained: "For men, it might seem strange to think about estrogen because it's mostly linked to women.

But men do have a bit of estrogen. It's made from their main hormone, testosterone.

In some situations, like being overweight, having liver problems, or taking certain medicines, men can end up with more estrogen compared to testosterone.

Which also results in the "estrogen dominance" situation and the venous insufficiency leading to varicose veins.

The Risk is Much Bigger Than You think!

Let me stress this with grave urgency:

From the moment you start seeing the slightest spider vein or varicose vein in your legs

the veins in your legs are actively deteriorating, trapped in a vicious cycle of blood pooling and pressure.

It's just a matter of time before it becomes worse.

Every moment that passes, the integrity of these veins is further compromised, a silent ticking time bomb beneath your skin.

And did you know that over 100,000 Americans succumb annually due to blood clots instigated by varicose veins?

That's according to research published by CNN Health.

It's not just a cosmetic issue, do not take it lightly.

...And no mere pill on the market can halt this insidious progression, because none of them tackles the real issue: the estrogen dominance.

Surgery, An Invasive and Expensive Procedure, Is Just a Surface-Level Solution

Your doctor has probably suggested surgery for your varicose veins - but delving deeper reveals it to be a mere temporary fix.

Why?  While surgical procedures, like stripping or endo-venous laser treatments, can remove or shut the problematic veins... 

They don't address the fundamental, underlying issues that initiated the venous failure in the first place... 

What's worse? When veins are removed or shut, you now have less veins to handle the same amount of blood... 

This means your other healthier veins will have to handle a higher amount of blood flow... 

Putting strain on them and putting them at a higher risk of becoming varicose veins themselves. 

This can result in new varicose veins in previously healthy veins, and the loop keeps going.

You pay again to remove them, they come back,  until there is no veins left unaffected.  

The result? An ugly web of spider veins replacing the varicose veins that existed before.  

But here's the bad surprise... 

Your body often reacts to the death of those veins by creating new veins in to replace them. 

The weird thing is that those newly born veins do not have vein valves, so they are unable to push blood back up to the heart. 

Many patients have reported this problem.  

As Dr. Marie meticulously outlined: Imagine a house with a persistently leaking roof.  

If you merely replace the tiles each time without investigating the structure, the problem will recur.  

Similarly, with varicose vein surgeries, you're removing or sealing off the compromised veins..  

But what about the factors that caused them to malfunction?

If You Can Still Walk Without Severe Pain That's Actually Encouraging!

If you're still only dealing with the look of varicose veins, it means your veins are communicating with you, signalling the presence of an a bigger issue.

Why is this important?

Because the Vascular Society states:

"Varicose veins are often the tip of the iceberg, signalling underlying venous insufficiency.”

So as long as your legs are still not hurting so much that you can't walk...

There's an opportunity for you to address the underlying issue...

And potentially alleviate the varicose veins and spider veins in a matter of weeks.

Finally, Dr. Marie Told Me That There’s ONE Way to Reverse Varicose Veins

And the answer lies in regulating local estrogen levels in the veins in our legs.

By reducing estrogen levels locally, you not only stop the damage...

You also give the veins a chance to rejuvenate by alleviating the estrogen receptors saturation and allowing them to heal and absorb the much needed nutrients.

But the pressing question is, how can one target estrogen levels specifically in the legs?

While mainstream medical practices do not address this, there are alternatives.

So What's The Solution?

 Dr. Marie understood that traditional solutions don’t work for varicose veins, spider veins and restless legs...

So she spent more than 10,000 hours in her clinic in Miami working with patients, trying to find a better, safer, and more natural ways to treat it.

She tried everything… From traditional solutions like surgeries to lasers, exercise routines, supplements, diets, home remedies…

To the latest cutting-edge technologies that are not even available to the general public yet…

And after all these years...

Dr. Marie Finally Cracked The Code...

Thanks to her collaboration with an innovative Skincare tech startup in Florida, Pamela Skin, they were able to introduce an avant-garde formula with breakthrough absorption technology...

It's called Crème Pure™ by Pamela Skin.

It's a specialized formulation designed to regulate estrogen levels locally.

This cream is infused with more than 15 natural ingredients proven to help banish varicose veins and spider veins...

Not only it targets estrogen with natural and safe ingredients but it also replenishes the veins with vital nutrients...

Reversing the debilitating effects of varicose veins.

This is a solution that targets the root cause of varicose veins and spider veins.

Crème Pure™ Targets Venous Insufficiency and Vanquishes Varicose Veins in Just Weeks

As soon as you apply Crème Pure to your varicose veins, you’ll immediately feel a soothing relief spreading through your legs.

It will feel like a gentle, nourishing rainfall, dousing the flames of discomfort and heat that rage beneath your skin… 

By the time it's absorbed, your legs will feel so much better!

But don’t take my word for it… 

At the moment of writing this, thousands of people around the world are using Crème Pure to relieve their varicose veins and spider veins

This product has more than 1000 5-star reviews on their website alone.

It’s Not an Overstatement to Say That Crème Pure™ by Pamela Skin Restored My Confidence and Freedom

Only a few weeks after I started using Crème Pure...

My varicose veins improved so much I couldn't recognise my legs anymore!

I attached a picture of the before after, the pictures were taken 8 weeks apart.

The constant aching subsided, and the heavy sensation in my legs lifted.

It was almost magical.

After years of trying different remedies and solutions, I finally found one that genuinely worked.

Now, I can confidently wear shorts or dresses without being self-conscious.

I can go about my day without the uncomfortable tug of swollen veins.

It feels like I've rediscovered a part of myself that was lost.

And the best part? No varicose veins coming back after a few weeks like what happened with my failed surgery!

The joy of freely living my life without any inhibitions is priceless.

The good news? My amazing transformation was not unique!

I reached out to Pamela Skin and they shared so many success stories of women just like me and you...

Who waved goodbye to the ugly look of varicose veins without surgeries...

Thousands of People Were Able to

Reverse Varicose Veins With This Cream

Verified Purchase

"This helped with my varicose veins! Absolutely love it. I ordered again and can't wait to keep seeing results. Thank you!!!"

Deborah M.

Verified Purchase

"I have both varicose veins and lymphedema, and have to wear support stockings which are difficult to put on and take off. After using the cream, I can feel my skin being tightened as being in stockings without the fight to pull them on."

Gaynor T.

Verified Purchase

""I saw a very noticeable difference after only 3 applications! So happy I found this cream! I never thought anything would help my varicose and spider veins except surgery! Very happy customers here."

Terry J.

I got my life back: From unable to walk to exercising every day!

This cream is like magic to me...

I always wondered, how can a simple cream solve varicose veins?

I was the most skeptical person you can imagine...

Dodging death after a failed surgery, I couldn't fathom something simple would solve varicose veins where the knives and needles failed...

It just seemed too complicated of a problem...

And I was expecting a dark future...

So, knowing that many people will want to understand how this cream actually works and why there is nothing like it out there...

I reached out to Pamela Skin and they explained it in detail...

If you check out Pamela Skin's Website, you will hundreds of reviews from people just like you who were able to completely reverse varicose veins and spider veins

And I’m confident that it’s going to help you too .

Just imagine waking up without that unsightly look in your legs.

Picture a day when you can wear your favourite shorts or dress without a second thought, no longer self-conscious about your legs.

Imagine the relief of ending your day without the aching and throbbing that used to be your constant companions

Picture waking up energized, ready to face the day with vitality.

You can:

Wear your favourite dress or skirt with confidence.

Enjoy a beach day or poolside gathering without hesitation.

Travel on long flights or road trips without discomfort.

Embark on a hiking adventure or nature walk, embracing the outdoors.

Plan a shopping day, trying on clothes without feeling self-conscious.

All that without being held back by ugly varicose veins.

This can all be possible with Crème Pure™.

Now, I know you probably have two main questions…

As Seen On

Here’s How It Works

Step 1: Regulating Elevated Estrogen Levels with DIM

At the heart of Crème pure™'s efficacious formula is DIM (Diindolylmethane), found in cruciferous vegetables.

This potent ingredient plays a paramount role in modulating estrogen metabolism.

By ensuring a more beneficial ratio of the good estrogen metabolites to the less beneficial ones...

DIM sets the stage for vascular recuperation, nipping the problem right at its hormonal root.

Step 2: Reversing Historical Vascular Damage with Red Vine & Horse Chestnut

Once the hormonal landscape is recalibrated, Crème pure™ doesn't just stop there.

It then employs the therapeutic prowess of red vine leaf extract and horse chestnut.

Both these natural agents are renowned for their vascular protective qualities.

The red vine leaf extract is brimming with flavonoids and polyphenols, which not only fortify venous walls but also improve circulation.

On the other hand, horse chestnut comes armed with Aescin, a saponin that reduces inflammation and swelling, while also strengthening and toning the veins.

Thus, with a gentle massage of this luxurious cream, you're not merely treating the superficial symptoms...

You're diving deep, orchestrating a symphonic hormonal balance and simultaneously rejuvenating and fortifying your venous system.

Crème pure™ is not just a cream; it's a sophisticated solution to a complex problem.

How Can You Get Your Hands On Creme Pure?

…And what’s the price?

Well, the first question is a tricky one…

Because it takes us a lot of time and money to make this cream…

From exotic ingredients that they have to source from all over the world… To countless quality tests that every cream has to go through before it’s cleared…

So they are at a constant risk of running out of stock.

Their team is working around the clock to create enough Crème Pure™ for everyone in need.

But they hate to admit that they are currently failing at that.

The demand is just too big.

Folks who have tested the Crème Pure™ and experienced the relief are now asking for more creams for them, their families and friends.

Not to mention the thousands of patients Dr. Marie worked with in her clinic.

They were thrilled when she told them about the cream that she created with Pamela Skin and I’m sure that many of them are placing their orders right now.

All this makes stock run out quickly every time they get a new shipment.

Now, if you are reading this article, it means that they probably have a few units left in stock, otherwise I would’ve taken the page down.

But unfortunately, I cannot guarantee for how much longer.

They Could Sell Out Tomorrow… Or Maybe Even Today

And once that happens…

Once they do run out of stock…

It could take anywhere from a couple of weeks to a couple of months to get back in stock because these creams take quite a long time to produce.

In fact I previously had to wait one month because they had ran out of stock...

So if you are serious about getting rid of varicose veins, spider veins or even Edema…

I recommend you DO NOT leave this page…

Because this may be your only chance to get the Crème Pure™ and experience the relief you’ve been praying for.

So without further ado, let me show you how you can get your Crème Pure™ today.

Crème Pure™ Is NOT Available Anywhere Else Except on The Official Website

You won’t find it in retail stores. You won’t find it on Amazon or eBay.

If you see something similar, that’s just a cheap knockoff.

The only place where you can buy the real, authentic Crème Pure™ is on Pamela Skin's official website where it’s selling for just $49.95.

That’s right…

They sourced over 15 clinically proven ingredients not found anywhere else around the world…

And instead of surgeries that cost tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars…

They made a clinically proven solution available to you today for just $49.95!

To put it into perspective, when Dr. Marie hired business & marketing consultants to help launch Crème Pure™

They told her that she should price it at AT LEAST $200.

Given how expensive it is to produce…

How advanced the technology behind it is…

And how effective it is at getting to the root cause of varicose veins and spider veins…

If surgery that costs $5000 per leg only relieves the symptoms, a technology that targets the root cause should cost more...

They strongly advised her to price it at at least $200 and even consider going up to $300.

It certainly made sense from the business perspective.

But Dr. Marie is not a businesswoman. She's a doctor.

And her only goal with this cream is to help as many people as possible.

Pamela Skin Priced It at 1/5 of What All the Marketing Experts Recommended

Just $49.95.

So even if you use just one jar...

You'll be enjoying legs free of varicose veins for years and years to come...

And that is priceless...

When you put it like this, you realize what an amazing deal this is.

One investment of $49 for years and years of relief.

One investment of $49 for a life without pain and heaviness.

It's a once-in-a-lifetime deal.

And I know you know it.

But I also know that some of you simply can't afford it.

With everything that's going on in the world...

Inflation running rampant...

Prices going up...

$49 is a lot of money.

And look... Dr. Marie didn't lie when she said that this isn't about money for her.

She wants this thing to help as many people as possible.

And she doesn't want money to stand in the way of that mission.

So to ensure that everyone in need has a chance to put their hands on Crème Pure™...

She Decided to Offer a Special Limited-Time Discount and Let You Have One Free Crème Pure™ For Every One You Buy!

Pamela Skin came to an agreement with Dr. Marie to give a unique discount to our readers.

For each jar you buy, you get one for free!

That's just $24.95 per unit and even less if you bundle...

So if you buy 2 units you'll get 2 for free for just $22 each and so on...

This is the lowest price they'll ever offer.

I actually bought it myself for double this price...

And I'm only able to guarantee it for today.

So if you are ready to take advantage of the best deal you'll ever get...

And get your Crème Pure™ at a fraction of the price...

Make sure to click the big button below and grab it while you still can!

As I said earlier, they manufactured a limited number of creams in this batch.

And they're selling out faster than anyone could have anticipated.

So it's only a matter of time before they run out completely.

And when that happens...

Well, you'll pretty much miss out.

Not just that you'll have to wait until the next batch is manufactured - which can take weeks if not months...

But you'll also find a new price that will be higher.

Let me be super clear about it:

You'll never be able to buy a Crème Pure™ cheaper than today.

This is the best deal you will ever get.

And this may be the only time you see it.

So without further ado, click below to place your order.

That’s Not All! Secure Your Crème Pure™ Today and Unlock Exclusive Bonuses!

When you invest in your skin and vein health with Crème pure™, Pamela Skin believes in rewarding your trust and commitment.

And so, for every purchase of Crème pure™ Varicose Vein Cream, they're offering a truly invaluable bonuses, worth more than 250 dollars.

BONUS #1 : With your order, you'll receive 8 pcs of herbal patches, proven to reduce the swelling and inflammation...($29.99 value)

BONUS #2: Understand how to treat, prevent and detect varicose veins in new ways you haven't read about before with this Varicose Veins e-book ($29.95 value)

BONUS#3: Learn how to eat to combat varicose veins, a comprehensive nutritional plan, with proven recipes you can easily make at home that target varicose veins and enhance blood circulation...($19.97 value)

BONUS #4: A proven exercise plan, with easy at home stretches and exercises that significantly reduce swelling and pain associated with varicose veins...($29.95 value)

BONUS #5: Discover 10 secret home remedies that actually work for varicose veins, backed by science in the 10 home remedies e-book ($19.99 value)...

At the best is kept last, BONUS#6: Lifetime access to a support community of people struggling with the same problems as you are, where experts can provide guidance and shed light on common questions...($97/month value, free forever)

That's a total of over $229 in free bonuses alone...

This is because Pamela Skin wants to offer you a holistic solution to varicose veins, spider veins and the related issues that come with it.

Secure your Crème Pure™ today, and let the combined power of advanced skincare and expert knowledge guide you towards a future free from the burdens of varicose veins.

And the Best Part Is, You Don’t Have to Decide Today! Simply Try It for 90 Days - Risk-FREE - and See What Happens

Here’s the deal:

Dr. Marie and Pamela Skin believe in their product so much, they don’t want you to spend a dime until you are 100% certain that it works for you

That’s why they are offering a 90-day, no-questions-asked guarantee.

Simply, get the 3+3 Free offer of Crème pure™ or 2+2 Free today!… Use them for 90 days…

And then make your decision based on the results.

If it somehow doesn’t work for you and you don’t experience any results, they will issue you an immediate refund.

In other words, you are only paying if it turns out to be a complete lifesaver.

And from my experience, I can almost guarantee that it will.

NOTE: This product is NOT available on Amazon or eBay.

Here's What To Do Next

Click that big blue button that says "Click Here to Get 50% Off Your Crème Pure Today + Fast Shipping " - it will take you straight to Pamela Skin's official encrypted website.

There, all you need to do is click the button that says " ORDER NOW " and your discount code will be automatically applied.

From there, you'll go straight to the checkout page where you just need to enter your name, address, and credit card information, and select how many Crème Pure™ you want to order.

TIP: Most people end up getting multiple Crème pure™ - Eight, six and four! Here's why...

1/ The more you get, the more money you save. That's because we save a lot of money on shipping when we put more products in one box - and we are happy to share those savings with you. Depending on how many you order, you can get them for as low as $16.5 per cream. That's $10 off of the already-discounted price.

2/ You'll actually get better results if you use multiple units consistently everyday.

With 8 or 6 creams, you make sure you will be able to use the cream consistently for 8 weeks or more, instead of risking not finding the product in stock and interrupting your treatment.

So without further ado, click the button below to get your Creme Pure Varicose Veins Cream at the lowest price ever.

Remember.. There's ZERO Risk!

The only risk you could possibly face...

Is one of pain and regret if you miss out on the opportunity to get your Crème Pure™ units at this massive discount.

Unfortunately, I know exactly what's going to happen if you decide to let this opportunity pass.

l've seen it so many times with other people.

And let me tell you, it's NOT good.

You'll keep wasting time on compression socks, exercises, and other quick fixes that don't address the real cause of the problem.

You may even end up doing surgery...

And maybe even fool yourself that you can live your life like this...

But deep inside, your veins will keep deteriorating...

And the ugly look, pain and heaviness will only get worse.

I'm not saying this to SCARE you. I just want to WARN you.

Because if left untreated, this can turn into a much bigger problem.

That's why the decision you make today will be one of the most important decisions of your life.

So... What is it going to be?

Are you going to say "NO" to this opportunity and take your chances?

OR are you going to do the right thing...

Order a few Crème Pure™ creams and try them risk-free..

And spend the next 90 days working on recovery?

Remember... This is not just about you.

This is about your family - who will be worried about you constantly if you end up with bleeding, ulcers or, God forbid, a blood clot! Because you don't want to try to get better.

This is about your kids who will never get to play with you because your legs will be holding you back.

This is about your partner who will have to get used to living alone while you are still there - because you will be a shell of yourself, with no self-confidence.

You owe it to yourself and your loved ones to give it a shot.

You can turn things around.

You can get the relief that you've been looking for.

You can get your old life back and enjoy the rest of your life.

Many people just like you have already done it. You can do it too.

All you need is a little assistance from the finest varicose veins solution that I know exists - Crème Pure™ by Pamela Skin.

So without further ado...

If you are ready to do the right thing...

Click that big blue button below to order your Crème Pure™.

And remember - If it doesn't work as promised, you don't pay.

Untitled Document

UPDATE: As of April 01, 2024 - The demand for Creme Pure has increased dramatically and inventory has been flying off the shelves. Order your own for 50% OFF + FAST SHIPPING before it's too late.

Lock in your order while you can to get 50% OFF + FAST SHIPPING to City

NOTE: This deal is NOT available on Amazon or eBay.

90 Day Money Back Guarantee
Fast Shipping
Guaranteed Safe and Secure Checkout
No-Hassle Returns
GET 50% OFF Creme Pure
Varicose Veins Cream Now!

Latest Comments On Facebook

  • Cecile Ross

    Does anyone here have the cream and can vouch for it?

    · Reply ·  4 · 39 min

    • Maryann Ramsey

      Used only twice and has helped so much!!

      · Reply ·  7 · 16 min

  • Audrey James

    OSuper recommended I have a week using it and since First day my veins have improved much better thanks to God 🙏 and this discovery for me is miraculous thanks 🙏 thanks 🙏 thanks I bought it at full price and now they are 50% cheaper. I'm so excited!

    · Reply ·  4 · 51 min

  • Mary Harvey

    I purchased this amazing crème and found it works! And works fast with lasting results. I need to tell everyone, I truthfully am not a paid person or fake .

    · Reply ·  1 · 1 h

    • Maureen Smith

      Hi Mary, I also am mind blown! How could a cream be so powerful it's magic to me! I am ordering it every month! 😄


      · Reply ·  2 · 24 min

  • Annmarie Gordon

    I'm back with a review. I notice I start getting these things on my legs from being in the medical field from constant walking and always on my feet. Anyway to make a long story short I decide to try this cream even with doubts being as most of these things neverr works, and I must say that the very first day I used this cream I saw an instant difference immediately I couldn't believe it, I kept looking at my legs to see if I'm seeing right. Amazing!

    · Reply ·  6 · 1 h

  • Tiffany Jaramillo

    Hey Kristen, This is what you’ve been waiting for! No more being tied down to those compression stockings all day, every day! 😏 😏

    · Reply ·  2 · 2 h

    • Kristen Yu

      Yes, very interesting, the estrogen thing makes sense, I actually had my veins pop-up after pregnancy, I just ordered two!! Thanks for tagging me.

      · Reply ·  3 · 1 h

  • Andrea Johnsen

    How long does it take to get it? I need it like, NOW!

    · Reply ·  2 · 2 h

    • Ana Morales

      For me it took 4 days.

      · Reply ·  5 · 2 h

  • Sarah Wolfe

    I snapped some before and after photos, almost six weeks apart, and the results are really good. Happy to show them off!


    · Reply ·  1 · 3 h

  • Sophie Waldman

    Does anyone already have one and has it been clinically tested?

    · Reply ·  1 · 3 h

    • Sara Jansen

      Yes, my sister and I love it! For both of us, varicose veins are less apparent now. Apply it twice a day! I’ve checked some clinical references on their website and it makes sense. Dr. Berg also talked about this in his videos!

      · Reply ·  3 · 2 h

  • Carolyn Lee

    I have just ordered mine! I can’t wait for it to arrive.

    · Reply ·  4 · 3 h

  • Wanda Fleming

    over the last few nights I have seen a visible difference...

    · Reply ·  8 · 3 h

  • Maria Jones

    Does anyone know how long it takes to send? I want to buy one for my friend for her birthday she suffers a lot from varices.

    · Reply ·  1 · 4 h

    • Ana Pitman

      Hi Erika! Mine arrived in 3 days with UPS! they're faast

      · Reply ·  2 · 2 h

    • Sandra Johns

      Your friend will be happy! Perfect gift

      · Reply ·  2 · 1 h

  • Stanley White

    Great Cream and fast delivery! I gifted it to my wife and she loves it! Calms down the swelling in her legs.

    · Reply ·  3 · 4 h

  • Monica Johnson

    I love this cream!

    · Reply ·  3 · 4 h

  • Jewel Blanton

    I was a bit on the fence at first, but after giving it a go, I was pleasantly surprised! The cost is really reasonable compared to other treatments I've seen. The instant relief I felt after applying CremePure was a game-changer. Even my hubby noticed how my legs looked better in no time. I can't recommend it enough. Thanks a bunch!


    · Reply ·  3 · 5 h

  • Pamela Hunt

    I love mine, had to buy one for my daughter today because she won't stop using mine!


    · Reply ·  2 · 5 h

    • Maria Dupont

      OMG! I'm so glad it was still in stock. I had to place a big order right away before they ran out of stock again, like last time.

      · Reply·  5 · 2 h

  • Isabella Mayson

    Thank you, ours arrived today! Smells great! I’ll apply it tonight.


    ·  Reply ·  3 ·  5 h

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The information and other content provided in this page, or in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice, nor is the information a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment. 

If you or any other person has a medical concern, you should consult with your health care provider or seek other professional medical treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something that have read on this page or in any linked materials. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or emergency services immediately.

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